A Global



a golden global network of love and joy


I am so glad you found your way to Happy Global Heart! This is a global meditation project, reaching out to all parts of this beautiful planet we live upon. The intention is to activate and increase happy feelings such as love, joy, compassion and gratitude, in every participant and in the world as a whole. Now, why on earth would you do that, when there is so much mess to take care of? you might ask. Because there is power in it! When we activate positive, or regenerative, feelings, we feel more energy, we open ourselves to creativity and we connect more easily to others and to nature. We also help our autonomous nervous system to go into a more relaxed state, which promotes our immune system and our overall health. All that is truly empowering! So much good can be done, when we have access to a positive inner state. This inner state is like a muscle, you can make it grow stronger and more easily access it, by practicing. Happy Global Heart is intended to help you with that. It is also intended to open up to a new positive perspective on humanity and our common future. I believe in the Power of Love and I believe that now is the time for humanity to realize and reclaim that power. More and more people around the world are engaging in this change of consciousness - Happy Global Heart is a contribution to that. 


Every Tuesday you are welcome to join these live heart focused meditations, on YouTube. We will be many coming together, sharing the moment. We are all in this together! You can be an experienced meditator, totally new to it or somewhere in between. This is for everyone!


Starting sometime during 2023. It is like waiting for a flower to bloom, you don´t know when it will be, only that it will. Things have to fall into place first....

Come Join  Weekly

Tuesday at 7.00 pm CET, Central European Time, is the weekly time for the meditations. You find all the information in the Meditation Schedule.  If there is a change of day or time you will be notified well in advance here on the website. 

The Meditations

In the meditations we will focus on the heart and activate happy and pleasant feelings like love, joy, compassion and gratitude. We do that by thinking of someone dear to us, a happy moment or a place that makes us feel calm and safe. I will guide you to maintain and strenghten these sensations in your heart area. We will also set an intention for them to spread: to other parts of our bodies, to someone we care for or to nature. 



Hello, I am Eva Flood from Linköping, Sweden. I am happy and excited to invite you to Happy Global Heart! With a wish to contribute to more joy in our world and a strong longing to unite with people from everywhere in shared meditation, I decided in January 2020, to start this project. At that time I was hardly aware of a virus named covid-19. It had just begun spreading over our planet.  Now, as months have gone by, I know that this project is more important than ever, actively choosing love and connection instead of fear and separation

I am a psychologist with a private practise, where I work with body focused psychoteraphy......

Why the Heart?

The heart is a very powerful organ in our body. We have learnt in school that it is a pump, keeping us alive, and that is true, for sure. But scientists have found that the heart is more than that and the understanding of this organ is constantly growing. The heart has its own intrinsic nervous system, consisting of over 40 000 neurons, giving it the ability to sence and process information from the inner and the outer world. In fact, more neural signals are sent from the heart to the brain, than from the brain to the heart. You could say the heart has its own intelligence. The heart seem to respond and react to emotions and then communicate to the brain what is going on, thereby affecting the perception and cognitive interpretation of the inner state. Science has also discovered that the heart produces hormones, e g oxytocin, which is often called our "love hormone". High levels of oxytocin make us feel safe and "in love". 

These new findings in modern neurocardiological science, go very well together with age-old views of the heart as a source of wisdom. In almost every historical culture of the world the heart was associated with thought, feeling and spiritual insight. To gain wisdom and emotional balance you had to be in contact with your heart. The neurocardiological findings  also resonate with results from psychothearapy research, showing the positive effects of compassion on our mental/emotional health. You could say that modern science is catching up on what people have known for millenia. 

So, leaving behind the reduced view of the heart as just a pump, and regarding it as a powerful intelligent organ, that each and everyone of us can learn to take care of and befriend, is truly self empowering. I believe the way is to acknowledge all our emotions and strengthen the regenerative ones. By learning how to activate and maintain a positive (or regenerative) feeling like joy, gratitude, compassion or warmth, in your heart, you can affect your whole inner state: your stress level, feelings, thoughts and behaviour. By repeatedly doing this, you grow and strengthen neural circuits that will enable you to find and feel such feelings more and more easily. This will make a difference for you and for those around you! Spreading a virus of love and joy! THIS IS THE POWER OF LOVE!

We are all in this together

So let us do it together! Join! It will make a difference! Empower yourself! You will make a difference!

Join the next Happy Global Heart meditation! You find the date and time in the Meditation Schedule above. 

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation, and a foundation for inner security.

Albert Einstein

Meditation is powerful. If you are going through a lot of suffering right now, you can try to participate a couple of times and see how this works for you. Give it a chance. If you like it, please continue. If it triggers overwhelming anxiety or other strong and unpleasant feelings, please stop and try something that makes you feel better. Sometimes we have to take care of difficulties before we can access pleasant feelings. Seeking professional help might be the best for you. Keep searching!